Grind Machine 2 – High Gain Amp Model Review


Here is my review of the amazing Grind Machine 2 from Audio Assault!

Long story short, if you want a good, heavy guitar sound in your DAW – this is the plugin for you!!

From the Product Page (


Grind Machine II provides a wide variety of high gain amp flavors!
  • 90210 emulates the legendary american high gain of choice.
  • Acutronix is an original designed clean preamp tone which compresses naturally at higher gain settings while still retaining a clean tone.
  • Ak-45 is an original design high gain preamp tone that can drive you down the Rocky Mountain Way straight to the Highway To Hell!
  • Bassmaster is based on a legendary bass amp adopted by guitarists in the 60’s. This same amp inspired Jim Marshall’s JTM45 amp.
  • BRT 880 is based on an amp that can be considered nothing short of Rock Royalty.
  • Butterton is an original design high gain preamp that delivers a buttery midrange that’s perfect for filling out a mix!
  • Demoniac emulates the great german high octane amp.
  • Lil Monster is the byproduct of an alchemist and a mad scientist competing in a battle to the death.
  • Mod 37 is based on rock royalty with the coveted #34 mod
  • PVGL Fire is an inspired hybrid of German and American high gain legends!
  • Raptor is based on the single tube amp that reformed our expectations of what rock guitar should be!
  • The Knife is an original design high gain preamp with a tone that can cut like a knife…or a machete!
  • The Sonic is inspired by a popular German amplifier known for its high headroom that keeps the mud away!
  • Triceratop is based on the triple pronged monster from the same line as the Raptor.
  • UV35 is based on another German legend popular for its face melting tones!


Grind Machine II comes loaded with 15 custom cabinet IR’s in its expandable IR section!
  • Choose between cabs freely
  • Add your own cabs to the IR folder
  • Cabs loaded into Grind Machine II can benefit from our proprietary Impact control, which emulates the microdynamic response of a speaker!
  • “Impact” controls the amount of speaker movement being emulated. Zero provides no movement modeling, while 100% emulates the dynamic movement of an extremely loud speaker.
  • Cab switch bypasses the cab loader and Impact section completely, allowing you to use any IR loader you wish with Grind Machine II’s preamps!
Eligibility for direct hire program is simple.