Whiskey in the Bar Pyrford 30/01/2020

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I thought I would share our latest live performance. I think it is important to walk the walk and show that I am out there trying to put what I talk about into practice. This is our third live performance, but first as a 3 piece – so still finding our feet a little 🙂

🎸 Gear used (affiliate links):
Maybury Guitars "Floorboard" â–º www.mayburyguitars.co.uk
TC Electronic Sub ‘n’ Up Mini â–º amzn.to/31cApZY
JSA Compressor â–º www.instagram.com/jsa_effects
JSA Phat Bast*rd Germanium Boost â–º www.instagram.com/jsa_effects
Underfluked FuZR â–º www.underfluked.com
Boss DS 1 â–º amzn.to/2RJWvQm
Underfluked LTM Boost â–º www.underfluked.com
Moen Jimi Nova (Univibe) â–º amzn.to/2S4v5np
TC Electronic Flashback 2 Mini â–º amzn.to/36OGHQR
Wrist Grips â–º bit.ly/WristGrips

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